News from Scotland

Find out how we are finding homes for children in Scotland

Tamsyn Radmall shares updates, encouragement and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across Scotland.

Encouragements from the road

It has been great to get around Scotland more over the last few months. I did a tour of the West Coast, heading to Largs, Prestwick and Mull to meet with volunteers, church leaders and Guilds. I then spent some time in Aberdeen with Rosie at the end of March. It was a great chance to meet with the churches that we connect with. I was encouraged by all the thoughtful ways that churches are choosing to include and engage the fostering and adoption networks. It was also an opportunity to support our partner organisation Safe Families as they launch work around Aberdeen and to work with them on planning upcoming events and church connections.

More recently I was up in Inverness. I was so encouraged by the unity amongst churches in the city and to see their heart to serve their local area. It is such a blessing to be able to get around to different areas of Scotland.

Firm Foundations

We have just started a new, online Foundations Course. This six-week course provides a great introduction to issues around fostering, adoption and the experiences of children in the care system – all within a wider, biblical context. On the current course, we have around 20 different households with us each Tuesday evening – spending time exploring and learning together. It is so exciting to be able to work with our incredible volunteers to create spaces for those exploring fostering, adoption and supportive lodgings.

Two of our Scotland volunteers, alongside Northern Ireland staff and volunteers, will be helping to host the next Foundations Course, which starts on Wednesday 22 May. Please share this link with anyone you know who may want to consider the part they might play in offering or helping sustain a home for a child or young people who needs one.

Coming up...

There’s lots of things coming up that we are excited to share with you…

I have a few preaches at churches on upcoming Sundays. These offer a great chance to share about Home for Good’s vision – and God’s heart – for family, community and mission. If you’d like me or one of our volunteers to come and share in your church, please complete our speaker request form.

Fostering Fortnight takes place between 13th and 26th May. It’s a great opportunity within church networks and Christian communities to share the stories of foster carers, to educate people on the needs in local authorities for more foster carers and to inspire more people to pray and support. I would encourage you to share stories in your church, to interview foster carers if they want and to be praying for the fostering community across Scotland.

Finally, the Guild Big Sing is on 21st May, during the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Home for Good is one of the partner projects for the Guilds and therefore we are sharing about our work that evening. We are thrilled to have space to share and talk about ways that people within the Church of Scotland can continue to support us even after we have finished as a Guild Project. We are also excited to reconnect with Guild members that we have been meeting over the last few years.

What can I be praying for?

We would love you to stand with us in prayer as we continue to work to find a home for every child who needs one in Scotland.

  • Pray for the current and upcoming Foundations Courses, that those who attend would feel inspired to explore fostering, adoption, supportive lodgings or to play their part in other ways.
  • Pray for children and foster carers during Fostering Fortnight, that they would feel seen and heard by the Church and that it would inspire more people to consider fostering across Scotland.
  • Pray for the Church of Scotland General Assembly, that it would be a great space to gather, to share and for more people to engage with Home for Good as a result.
Are there any events happening soon that I can attend?

Head over to our Scotland page to find out what is happening in the area and find all the local support groups.

Take me there

How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team in Scotland?

Tamsyn Radmall, Scotland lead - [email protected]

Date published:
May 2024



Useful links

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