News from Northern Ireland
Find out how we are finding homes for children in Northern Ireland
Tash McBride share updates, encouragements, and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across Northern Ireland.
Sharing a new vision
Since the merger of Home for Good and Safe Families in September, we have been so encouraged to see how God has been moving through this process of coming together as one, new organisation. In among the many changes in roles, teams, systems and structures, we’ve seen many blessings and encouragements in our work, not least in Northern Ireland.
As part of this new season for our charity, we’ve been working together on the development of a new vision and on the shaping of our core areas of mission. We’re delighted to be able to share these things with you.
Our vision
Together, we hope for a society where no family feels alone, and every child has a home where they can flourish. We believe the Church is central to this vision.
Our mission
- Empowering and supporting parents, carers, hosts, as together we build positive connections and relationships so children and families can flourish.
- Inspiring and equipping churches as they create communities of care, hospitality and belonging.
- Influencing systemic change for children and families, which amplifies their voices, offers hope and promotes a loving and just society.
New year, new opportunities
It’s been a busy and encouraging start to 2025. We have had the privilege to share with a variety of churches including Mountain Lodge, First Portadown Presbyterian, First Dromore Presbyterian, Mountsandel Christian Fellowship, Knockconny Baptist, Grace Fellowship Ballynahinch, Kirkpatrick Memorial Presbyterian and Stranmillis Christian Union. In February, Brookeborough Elim held a Home for Good morning focusing on fostering, adoption and supported lodgings and exploring what God’s Word says about those living on the margins of our society. It was great to have the Raineys, Wilsons and the Western HSC Trust take part and share their stories. It never gets old.
We are also partnering with The Send UK & Ireland and are preparing for the Belfast event on Saturday 17 May. The Send describes itself as a ‘Catalytic movement: gathering, training and mobilising young people into the Great Commission’. They are hosting large events across the UK and Ireland, with a big focus on inspiring and launching young adults into mission and service. It is a privilege to be one of their outcome partners (
Championing champions
We are thrilled to have new volunteers continue to onboard with us and join our volunteer family here in Northern Ireland. We are so very thankful for those who continue to fly the flag and represent our organisation and ongoing work so diligently and in a wide variety of ways. From leading our support groups, helping deliver ‘Skills to Foster’, participating in Trust recruitment, using our resources in churches, to taking part in Home for Good events and church services. A special ‘shout out’ to Judith Dawson who shared brilliantly in First Portadown Presbyterian at the end of January.
Schooling Hope
A huge thanks to those who have completed a survey or shared their stories around supporting children through the school experience. It’s clear that, for many in the Home for Good network across Northern Ireland, schooling is often a challenge and that what happens with school can have a significant impact on home life. Over recent months, we’ve also heard from a number of charities, projects and volunteers – that are seeking to bring some hope into this context, by offering support to children, families and schools. We really believe that churches and church-supported initiatives can make a big difference for children and families.
In May, we hope to publish a short report that shares something of the context and the needs around some of the more challenging experiences of schooling, but that also offers some hope and inspiration around positive responses. Please look out for further details in the coming weeks or get in touch if you’d like to find out more.
For now, there’s still time to contribute to one of the surveys – we’d love it if you could commit around 10 minutes to sharing your experiences and adding to our learning. Visit the Learning School page of our website for the survey links.
Other Highlights
The last update we shared was back in December, so we can’t move on without mentioning how fun it was to be part of the Christmas tree festival at St. Saviours, Craigavon. Rev Stu Armstrong and team pulled together a sterling week welcoming and serving the local community of Craigavon. From twinkling lights to real life donkeys and deep conversations in between, it was a pleasure to represent Home for Good and the children and teenagers we continue to find families for.
In February, one of our adoptive mums and soon to be volunteer, Siu Tsang, organised a collaborative evening with Anita Conkey who is the Special Needs Co Ordinator with Scripture Union Northern Ireland. It was an excellent evening exploring how we can support children with additional needs in our churches. Everything taught and taken away was transferable to children with care experience who have suffered trauma and loss. On the same night Siu launched ‘Amazing Kids’, an additional needs Sunday club for the local community which has been a dream of hers for some time. They will be gathering the third Sunday of each month in Craigavon Presbyterian. We are cheering you on Siu!
Tash recently spent a great evening in Enniskillen for an event that Home for Good co-hosted with the Western HSC Trust. There was lots of interest and deep conversations, with some people keen to explore fostering. We’d love to develop a partnership with Western HSC Trust over this next year, so this event was a bit of a taster of how that might look and a chance to develop our networks in Fermanagh.
This month saw the launch of our new Carrickfergus Support Group. The first night together was truly a blessing. If interested and are a foster carer, adoptive parent or host and the group falls in your locality, do get in contact. You would be so welcome. And there’s more. At the end of March, we are relaunching our Newtownabbey Support Group. Again, get in touch.
In addition to this highlights reel, Tash also co-led on one of our first Foundations courses of 2025 and has been part of the ‘More Than Sundays’ advocacy discussions with the Children and Family Alliance (Home for Good, Safe Families, TLG & Kids Matter). We love collaborating with others.
This is the Church - any age, every heart playing their part. Last month a wonderful lady from Portadown was moved to crochet a generous bundle of beautiful baby blankets for little ones who come into care. In Enniskillen, a group of ‘more mature’ folk, inspired by one of our Champions, began the initiative of collecting age-appropriate items to create bags of hope and welcome for children and teenagers coming into care. What stunning stories of the Church coming together and playing her part
What's coming up?
Check out the events page on our website for the next online Info Sessions and Foundations Courses. These are great ways to go deeper in your understanding of fostering, supported lodgings and adoption.
- THE SEND: Saturday 17 May, SSE Arena, Belfast.
- Home for Good Reception: Saturday 24 May, Portadown Elim.
- Keep an eye out for us at local and national events and festivals including New Horizon in Coleraine in August, where we’re participating in a seminar and exhibiting in the missions space.
- SAVE THE DATE: NI Summit - Saturday 18 October, Glenabbey Church.
What can I be praying for?
Please continue to pray with us as we work together to find and sustain a family home for every child who needs one in Northern Ireland.
- Pray for the continued process of learning and reshaping together as Home for Good and Safe Families establish itself as a newly merged charity. Pray particularly for positive integration of the teams and the work across Northern Ireland.
- Give thanks for our continued partnerships with HSCNI, particularly within Southern and Northern Trusts.
- Give thanks for the recent events and speaking engagements, where we’ve had a chance to inspire people with this exciting vision of change. Pray that seeds planted will bear good fruit.
- Pray for the Schooling Hope initiative with Evangelical Alliance and other charities – that this work would result in positive outcomes for children, families, churches and schools.
- Pray that there will be good interest and engagement with the relaunch of our Newtownabbey Support Group.
- Pray for The Send event on 17th May and for our input and partnership there.
- Pray for those who view our Mothers’ Day resources on March 31st – that they will be encouraged, blessed and inspired by what they see.
How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team?
Tash would love to hear from you. You can email her via the links below:
Tash McBride – Church and Community Relationships Coordinator (NI): [email protected]
Useful links

Walk with me
Walk with me is back. Your summer fundraising challenge to find local homes for local children.
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