News from Northern Ireland

Find out how we are finding homes for children in Northern Ireland

Roger Cooke and Tash McBride share updates, encouragement and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across Northern Ireland.

Champion Days

On 1 May, we enjoyed spending time with many of our Home for Good NI volunteers across various online and in-person gatherings. With three Zoom meetings throughout the day, Tash hosting some drop-in time in Lisburn and Roger doing the same in Belfast, it really was a day focused on our volunteers. The following day saw us spend time with the NI Advisory Group – always a treat and a source of encouragement.

We’re hugely thankful for every individual who offers their time and skills to serve the wider mission of Home for Good in Northern Ireland. There are lots of different ways to volunteer, so do get in touch to find out how you can play your part – or have a look at the volunteer pages on the website.

'Who Cares' Roadshow

At the start of March, we kicked off our new roadshow series with an event in Vibe Church Armagh. It was a lovely gathering in a brilliant venue. The series continued on 29 April with an event in Carrickfergus, with First Carrick Presbyterian stepping-in to host us following some issues with a shutter at Carrick Vineyard! It was another great evening of inspiration, sharing and connections. We’re really enjoying these events – which are all about exploring how each of us – and our churches – can play our parts in providing or supporting homes for children and young people.

We’d encourage you to try and make it along to one of the remaining events in the series – and do please promote these with your churches and wider networks

Tash's outs and abouts

Tash has had a busy couple of months connecting with church leaders, meeting new volunteers and speaking at events and church services. Her diary is full of church speaking opportunities in the coming weeks. We’re thankful for every one of these opportunities to share and connect.

Tash also flew the flag for the Home for Good NI family at both weeks of Spring Harvest in early April. For those not in the know, Spring Harvest is a large Christian conference that takes place in two Butlins holiday centres in England. Home for Good had a significant presence at the events this year and it was there that we launched our new campaign, entitled ‘Who Cares’.

Tash writes:

‘It was an incredible – and full – two weeks launching our campaign at Spring Harvest. What an honour it was to be in green, representing Home for Good and working alongside the most amazing team. There are so many God stories from our time there; too many to count but all of which I will treasure. Snapshots include the sweet moments of talking with those with care experience, standing in prayer with the many who continue to care through fostering, adoption or hosting and journeying with others who want to open their door and extend their tables. The response was vast, with a growing movement of people praying, but the individual stories and the people we met will always sing the loudest. I’m so thankful to God for all that He is doing’

Roger's planning and podcasting

March and April are busy months at Home for Good for annual reviews, budget setting and planning. Roger has been working with colleagues on developing plans for our work in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales over the coming years as well as shaping our wider church engagement strategy across the UK. He’s also been working with some of the Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland to review and renew our partnerships. March saw the publication of an episode of the Legacy Podcast series, which features Roger in conversation with the hosts, Andy and Stephen, on the topic of ‘How to embrace God’s call to be fathers to the fatherless’. It was a lovely, lively conversation. You can listen on Spotify or check out the Legacy website for further details of this project, which seeks ‘to help faith and fatherhood thrive.’

Foundation Courses

Recent months have seen Tash and Roger both contributing to our online Foundation Courses. The six-week Foundations course is for anyone who wants to further explore fostering, adoption or supported lodgings. Whatever stage of the journey you are on, Foundations is a great way to deepen your understanding and be better equipped to make well-informed decisions.

The next Foundation Course begins on 22 May and will be led by Roger and one of our English colleagues, along with volunteers from across the UK. Further information is available on the Home for Good website.

Extending generosity in Northern Ireland

We’re delighted to share that a generous donor in Northern Ireland is once again providing match funding for any new – or increased - donations to Home for Good from Northern Ireland churches and individuals. For every £1 donated (or increased) this year, they will add a 50p top-up. Last year, we were able to raise an additional £15,000 thanks to your generosity and to this kind match-funding support. We are immensely thankful to all those who have caught the vision of investing in Home for Good’s mission.

To donate to Home for Good today, go to our donations page. If you have any questions about the match-funding or you’d like to explore investing further in our work, drop an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

What can I be praying for?

Please continue to pray with us as we work together to find and sustain a family home for every child who needs one in Northern Ireland. 

  • Give thanks for all those who volunteer with Home for Good and pray that God would bless them as they inspire others to play their part.
  • Pray for the remaining NI roadshow events and for the various speaking opportunities that Tash and Roger will have in the coming months. Pray that many people will be inspired and encouraged by what they hear.
  • Pray for the Foundations Courses and online Information Events that run throughout the year. Pray that these will be fruitful opportunities for those who are exploring fostering, adoption or supported lodgings – as well as for those who want to consider how they can provide support and encouragement to others.
  • Give thanks for all who invest in the work of Home for Good through financial support. Pray that churches and individuals across Northern Ireland will be inspired to play their part in this vital way.
    Are there any events happening soon that I can attend?

    Head over to our Northern Ireland page to find out what is happening in the area.

    Take me there

    How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team in Northern Ireland?

    Tasha or Roger would love to hear from you. You can email them via the links below:

    Roger Cooke – NI & Nations Lead: [email protected]

    Tasha McBride – NI Coordinator: [email protected]

    Date published:
    May 2024



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