News from Yorkshire and North East England
Find out how we are finding homes for children in Yorkshire and North East England
Nic Thorpe shares updates, encouragements, and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across Yorkshire and the North East.
Recent highlights
Over the last few months, I have had some wonderful speaking opportunities to share about Home for Good in a few different settings. I have been churches in Hull, York and Goole. During this time we have been really pressing into what radical hospitality can look like for individuals and for churches.
I was privileged to be able to attend the Joined-Up Conference in York for children and youth leaders, where I was invited to deliver a short seminar on trauma that would help those working with children and youth on a day-to-day basis understand the needs of care experienced children.
I was invited to share about Home for Good at Just Love in Durham. This was a fantastic opportunity to talk to students that are very passionate about social justice and impacting in their community. Along with a colleague we shared about the Home for Good and Safe Families’ vision to see every family supported in our communities and every home to be a place of safety and security.
We have also launched the peer support group in Hull, please email [email protected] for more information about times and dates for the meetings.
Young People at Heart
I was able to spend a day in the Doncaster office with our partners Young People at Heart.
- They are a not-for-profit, independent fostering organisation where outcomes for young people are paramount.
- They provide a safe, secure and stable environment for young people in care, foster carers and staff.
- Their not-for-profit status emphasizes their commitment to utilising any surpluses retained within the organisation for the benefit of the young people in care.
I was particularly impressed with the investment as an organisation that they have made into using the PACE model across the organisation, this include them offering ongoing support for foster carers to reflect on their use of PACE together in support session.
If you aren’t familiar with PACE you can find more information about it here.
We are seeking volunteers across Yorkshire and the North East within Home for Good and Safe Families. We currently have roles available for peer support volunteers, church champions, advocacy volunteers and festival volunteers.
Within the newly merged organisation there are new volunteering opportunities in some areas of the region. If you are in the North East, Sheffield or York we are looking for volunteers to become a Family Friend, Host Family or Resource Friend. Find out more here.
Please feel free to reach out and contact me if you would like to discuss any of these roles at [email protected]
What's coming up?
- 26th January speaking event at Swallownest Baptist Church in Sheffield.
- 1st March we are sharing at the Joined Up Conference in Sheffield for children and youth workers. For more details and to book on visit
- 1st March Curry night and quiz at Swallownest Baptist Church in Sheffield.
What can I be praying for?
We would love you to stand with us in prayer as we continue to work to find a home for every child who needs one and supported those that have already opened their homes in Yorkshire and the North East .
- Finding a home for every child that needs one.
- For those who are Fostering, Adoptive Parents and Supported lodgings hosts.
- The Peer support groups across the region, particularly for the newly formed Hull group.
How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team in Yorkshire and North East England?
Nic Thorpe, Yorkshire and North East Coordinator - [email protected]

Useful links

Walk with me
Walk with me is back. Your summer fundraising challenge to find local homes for local children.
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