News from Wales

Find out how we are finding homes for children in Wales

Neil Davies shares updates, encouragement and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across Wales.

Recent highlights

Radio interviews

When I was at CVM’s The Gathering in June, I was briefly interviewed by Andy Berry who runs Pure 247 Radio along with his two sons. In September, Andy interviewed me again and we had a longer, more in-depth conversation around fostering and adoption! The interview is available for listening or watching. I’ve also been interviewed recently for All Things Considered (BBC Radio Wales) on Sunday 1st December. It’s been lovely to have these opportunities to share something of the heart and vision of our work.

The Senedd

Over the past few years I’ve had the privilege of participating in two Cross Party Groups, both chaired by Jane Dodds MS: ‘Children in our Care’ and ‘Children and Families’. It’s been a great opportunity to represent Home for Good and to speak on behalf of children and young people within the care system in Wales. On 1st October we had the privilege of being a part of the Senedd Event ‘The Right to Childhood: The first 1000 days and Adverse Childhood Experiences’ which was a great chance to meet with several MSs and other organisations.

We’ve also been part of a group exploring What could a new Children's Act for Wales look like? We have had two meetings so far and it’s been great to see lots of ideas generated and discussed. The aim is to have a proposal written by May 2025 so that parties are able to consider and include elements in their manifestos for the next Senedd election in May 2026.

We received an invite to the St David’s Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on 6 March 2025, which is a great opportunity to pray for our nation, The Senedd and government. It will also be a good chance to network with policy makers and those involved in political advocacy.

Do you enjoy politics? We currently have advocacy volunteers in Northern Ireland and Scotland and we’re really keen to add a Welsh volunteer to our advocacy team. If you have an interest in research and policy and would like to help us shape our advocacy work in Wales, we’d love to have a conversation with you! Please contact me on the email below.

Stories from Wales

As mentioned in our previous Wales update, we now have three stories from Wales, available in both Welsh and English, as well as other Welsh language material, both in print and video. In the first part of 2025, we hope to capture more stories from Wales to inspire and encourage others to find out more and play their part. Here are some links to a few of our stories and resources.

Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire & Caerphilly

    We continue to have a number of people from Monmouthshire and Pembrokeshire expressing a desire for a greater Home for Good presence. We are exploring what this may look like and are really encouraged by these conversations. A new support group in Monmouthshire is one of the things on the list!

    In October we were invited to present our work at a very well attended Caerphilly Church Leaders breakfast. There was lots of interest in how to get involved. One man told us that God has been laying this on his heart and would love to explore to explore further – we have arranged a follow up meeting.

    If you live in one of these areas and would like to know more, please do get in touch.

    What can I be praying for?

    We would love you to stand with us in prayer as we continue to work to find a home for every child who needs one in Wales.

    • Pray for our work with The Senedd. That the growing opportunities and relationships would be fruitful.
    • Pray for all who have heard the message of Home for Good in the past few months, that they would respond to how the Holy Spirit is prompting and leading them.
    • Please pray for the explorations in Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire & Caerphilly, that God would bring clarity to plans and help us to gain momentum.
    • Pray for any foster carers or adopters who are struggling in some way. Pray that people would gather around them with support, that their situations would become more manageable and that they would find resolution and peace
    • Pray that more Home for Good support groups would develop across Wales.
    • Pray for opportunities to speak at and resource churches -in both English and Welsh language settings
      What's coming up?

      Head over to our Wales events page to find out what is happening in the area.

      Take me there

      How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team in Wales?

      Neil Davies, Wales Lead - [email protected]

      Neil Davies
      Neil Davies

      Date published:
      December 2024



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