News from Central and East England
Find out how we are finding homes for children in Central and East England
The latest updates, encouragements and prayer points from Home for Good’s work across Central and East England.
Recent highlights
Our team attended the Christian Resources Exhibition in Milton Keynes during October which was a brilliant opportunity to engage with church leaders to ask what part they can play in finding homes for children. Our team on stand had dozens of positive conversations, sharing about the joint vision and mission of Home for Good and Safe Families.
As the team were positioned next to Konnect Radio, there was an organic opportunity for the team to be interviewed on air to share about the needs of children and families in the local community. Needless to say, the team jumped at the opportunity and did brilliantly!
Local agreements
We are continuing to work closely with Milton Keynes local authority and their fostering recruitment team as well as PACT in the Northern Home Counties. There is a staggering 490 child in care in Milton Keynes (during October) which was an increase of 150 from the previous month.
We remain resolute to finding homes for children and believe the local church has a crucial role to play in this. We are continuing to engage with churches and individuals across the Central and East region sharing the need of foster carers and adoptive parents.
Church partnerships
We’re delighted to share that Home for Good has been chosen by the congregation of St. Andrew’s in Bedford to be their two-year partner. This is exciting opportunity to engage deeper with St. Andrew’s church community to inspire individuals and households to respond to the need of children in care through fostering, adoption and supported lodgings.
We are continually appreciative of churches who are already partnering and engaging with us closely. If your church is interested in becoming a Home for Good church, you can find out more here:
What's coming up?
We’re delighted to share that our new Central & East Engagement Coordinator, Imogen has joined the Engagement Team. Imogen has move recently been working in a church as a Children and Families worker and has a background in teaching. You’ll hear more from Imogen in coming weeks and months!
What can I be praying for?
We would love you to stand with us in prayer as we continue to work to find a home for every child who needs one in Central and East of England.
- For an increase in those interesting in fostering, adoption and supported lodgings, that God would stir the hearts of those who are able to respond
- For an increase in opportunities to engage with key churches in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas and for positive relationships with church leaders
How do I get in touch with a member of Home for Good team?
Imogen Onwuka, Central & East Engagement Coordinator
Useful links
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