Three reasons why caring about children is important to me

Home for Good champion Bella shares with us three reasons why caring about vulnerable children is important to her.

Bella recently became a Home for Good champion after taking part in a Foundations course and realising there was a part she could play in caring for vulnerable children. She has been hard at work ensuring that fostering and adoption is on the agenda at her local church, but after moving into a bigger house felt it was time for her family to explore fostering. She has shared with us three reasons why caring about vulnerable children is important to her:

1. Caring about vulnerable children is important to me because it’s part of my own story.

I was adopted as a 3 month old baby, having been in foster care from birth. I have always known about my adoption. It’s never been a secret, it’s always been part of who I am, and I’m so thankful that I’ve never felt different because I’m adopted.

But I understand that this is not everyone’s experience. I know that my life could have turned out very differently, and I know that there are children who right now are really struggling. This is one of the reasons we decided to consider fostering – we want to be looking out for those children whose experience is different to mine.

2. Caring about vulnerable children is important to me because I see the need when I go to work.

I work as a health visitor, and sadly in my job I am all too often a witness to heartbreaking situations. I see so much sadness in my work, so many broken families. I see sibling groups who have been separated. I see so many children who have been let down by the care system, who have not been placed with families as quickly as we would hope. I see children in desperate need of a loving, safe home.

To see this need, to know it exists, and not do something about it – that just seems crazy to me.

However, in my job I also get to meet lots of incredible foster carers. I see how they love and care for the children in their home. I see how they are so giving of their time and energy, and I see the huge difference that makes. I see children thriving in homes where they are safe and loved, and I think, “I want to be just like those foster carers. I want to offer that to a child who needs it”

3. Caring about vulnerable children is important to me because it’s important to God.

I love that God has adopted us, that we are his children and heirs. There are so many stories and examples of adoption and hospitality in the bible, and it’s something we are invited and called to be part of as the Church. I just can’t ignore the call in scripture to care for the vulnerable, to look out for those who need a family. Responding to this call will look different for everyone – for our family, it looks like fostering.

Since sharing her story with us, Bella and her family have been approved as foster carers, and have welcomed twins into their home! If you’re interested in learning more about the part you can play in caring for vulnerable children, we would love to hear from you. Perhaps like Bella you could take part in the Foundations course or consider becoming a Home for Good champion. Maybe you are in a position to explore fostering or adoption. Perhaps you could stand with us in prayer, giving, or campaigning. There is so much you can do to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children - click here to learn how you can stand with us.

*Names has been changed.

Written by Bella

Date published:
Wednesday 3 February 2021



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