Steph's story

Steph shares how Home for Good journeyed with her when she sensed God calling her to adopt.

I was just a few months away from turning 30 when I began to seriously consider adoption. As I read the Bible, I noticed that a lot of significant things seemed to happen when people were 30 years old; Jesus and John the Baptist both began their ministries when they were 30. The Levites began their work when they were 30. I began to wonder what my 30th year might have in store for me!

I prayed a lot. I read a lot. I didn't really talk to anyone apart from one close friend about adoption. But during this year of searching, so to speak, I came across the Home for Good book. It really showed me that welcoming and caring for children can be an act of worship to God. It helped me read my Bible through a new lens, and it cemented for me that this was something it felt like God was calling me to explore.

Home for Good have been there for me at each step of my journey. I joined the Summit online, and it was so good to hear real-life stories, reflections from the Bible and practical advice and guidance; it really helped me prepare for the assessment process. I made an enquiry soon after the Summit.

I was put in contact with a member of the team who emailed me every few weeks just to check in and see how I was doing as the process continued. She’s been a great support through it all. She’s prayed for me, and her emails have always arrived at exactly the right time! When I was feeling stressed, or when I hadn’t heard from a social worker and I wasn’t sure what was going on, Home for Good would appear in my inbox, and I would feel reassured that someone was with me in the process.

It was particularly helpful to have the Home for Good community beside me when it came to discussing my faith with my social worker. She had some misconceptions, and there were a few things that she interpreted in a way that was different to me, but knowing that other Christians had been through the same process, and knew what language to use to explain their feelings and their understanding of being called by God, helped me feel confident. It’s exciting to know that there is already a community of foster carers and adoptive parents who love Jesus just waiting for me to join them!

I was approved to adopt in the autumn – the member of the Home for Good enquiry team who has been journeying with me sent me a card to celebrate – and now I’m in the matching process. It’s a massive relief to be through the application and assessment stage, and I’m looking forward in anticipation for what’s to come.

I want to say thank you to the supporters who helped make the Summit happen – if I hadn’t joined online, I’m not sure I would be in the position I’m in today. Thank you for funding the Foundations course, and for making it possible for the Enquiry team to journey with me as closely as they have. You have made, and I know you will continue to make, a huge difference!


It’s activities like the Summit that Friends of Home for Good help make happen.

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Date published:
April 2022



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