News from North West England
Find out how we are finding homes for children in North West England
Mike Chesterton shares updates, encouragement and prayer points related to Home for Good’s work across the North-West.
My neighbours have just been blessed with the birth of a second daughter. You can’t even start to imagine how excited daughter number one was, and the incredible anticipation and joyful expectation of a playmate. Imagine her surprise, when this bundle of joy did nothing but sleep, scream loudly, and produce smelly nappies! As they both grow, I’m sure they’ll have some great times together, but for now, the reality is very different.
As I write, we are entering advent, a season of excited expectation, preparing to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. I wonder what Mary’s expectations were leading up to that first Christmas, having been told by the angel “The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David” and “his kingdom will never end.” For Mary, the reality initially was a bundle of joy that needed a mother’s loving care. But as he grew, the expectation of his coming kingdom becomes a reality.
What are your expectations in this season?
As we wait patiently, the expectation of welcoming the King of Kings becomes a reality.
How our work is making a difference
Home for Good now has more than 50 Peer Support Groups across the UK, with 10 of these located in our North West Region. During a recent visit to one of these groups, I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the incredible impact these gatherings can have. As adoptive parents and foster carers opened up about the challenges they were facing, others responded with empathy, sharing their own experiences of similar situations. Together, they exchanged advice, spoke about the support that had helped them, and lifted one another up through encouragement and prayer.
In another conversation with a couple navigating significant challenges with their foster child, they shared how much the support group meant to them. Simply having a space where they felt heard, understood, and supported by an encouraging community made all the difference.
If you’re involved in one of Home for Good’s support groups, thank you. Your willingness to listen, encourage, and share is having a profound impact on families who are providing loving homes for children in need.
If you’d like to find out whether there’s a group near you—or if you’re interested in starting one in your area—please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected].
Update on volunteers
Home for Good’s network of volunteers in the North West is a wonderful bunch of folks who facilitate our support groups, get alongside and support people as they go through the assessment process, and championing fostering, adoption, and supported lodgings within their church.
Recently, volunteers have also help represent Home for Good at events like the Greater Manchester Prayer Night, hosted ‘Vision and Information’ events, helped deliver our Comedy and Curry fundraiser, and arranged for a Home for Good speaker to visit their church.
If you are one of those volunteers - thank you so much for all you do. If you would like to find out more about volunteering with Home for Good or Safe Families, then please do get in touch. Visit the volunteering page of our web site or contact Mike for more information and a chat.
Other activity & stories
Once again, this year, volunteers and supporters came along to our Comedy and Curry Night in South Manchester. As well as hilarious comedy from Tony Vino, and delicious curry from Cuppaccino Bistro, thanks to the generosity of those who came, we raised over £600 to help find homes for children who need them.
Could you help Home for Good raise support to help find a home for every child who needs one? Why not download our fundraising guide here – and don’t forget to tell us what you have been up to.
A special thank you to Lakeside Church in Southport, Bramhall Baptist Church, Christ Church Thornton Cleveleys, Christ Church Heaton, and The Centre 4 Renewal in Ellesmere Port, all of whom invited me to speak recently.
If you would like a Home for Good speaker at your church, then please use the online ‘Book a speaker’ form or contact Mike directly at [email protected]
What's coming up?
Over the next few weeks, I am looking forward to visiting St Mary’s Church Ashton Mersey (15th December), 360 Life Church in Stockport (26th January), and Altrincham Baptist Church (9th February).
What can I be praying for?
We would love you to stand with us in prayer as we continue to work to find a home for every child who needs one in North West England.
- Please pray for our Peer Support Groups and the volunteers who lead them. Pray that the many people who attend will find there, great encouragement and support as they navigate the challenges involved in fostering, adopting, and providing supported lodgings.
- Please pray for all our volunteers; for the right words when championing foster/adoptive families within their church, for wisdom in those one-to-one conversations supporting people who are navigating the challenges, and for stamina and enthusiasm as they seek to inspire people at events.
- Please pray for Mike, for people to be inspired and encouraged to respond to the call to get involved.
How do I get in touch with a member of the Home for Good team in North West England?
Mike Chesterton – North West England Lead – [email protected]
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