Molly's story

Molly was just a few hours old when she was placed with foster carers Lewis and Caroline.

Molly's story is shared by her adoptive mother, Caroline*.

'Over the course of 2016 we became increasingly challenged to help refugee children, and in September we learned about Home for Good. Encouraged and impressed by what we read, we attended an information evening and heard Krish speak about the need for foster carers. We were inspired by all he shared and although we knew there would be many challenges ahead, we believed fostering would be hugely rewarding and felt we were being called to pursue it.

We approached our local authority with the intention of fostering refugee children, but we learned that at that time there were no refugee children in our area in need of a placement. However, we carried on with our training and assessment in readiness that they may arrive, whilst also becoming aware that there were many local children in need of a safe and settled home environment.

Our assessment was carried out by a wonderful social worker. Although we were initially hesitant about sharing our private lives with her, we soon realised there was nothing to worry about. Before long she felt like a trusted friend who cared deeply for vulnerable children and wanted to help us on our fostering journey, and was keen to ensure we were successful.

As we moved through the assessment It became clear that as a family we were ideally placed to care for young children, and we were glad to be approved as foster carers for up to two children aged 0-5 in July 2016.

We understood that this made it unlikely we would be able to open our home to refugee children, as those arriving in the UK are usually older than this, but we were keen to care for any children that needed us. We were initially asked to take two children from overseas, but in the end we were pleased to know that these children were able to be placed with their older siblings.

We waited again and before long were asked to consider another placement, this time for a baby who had not yet been born. Molly* came to us in September at less than one day old and we immediately fell in love with her.

She very quickly felt a part of our family and our birth children bonded with her as much as we did, and she settled well with us. It was such a joy to care for Molly. When it became apparent that she was unlikely to be able to return to birth parents we asked to be considered as an adoptive family for her, which was certainly not our original intention and yet seemed so right for her and for us. But we were heartbroken to be told that this was unlikely.

We prayed hard for her and asked others to pray too, for whatever was best for her future. Even though we were told Molly would definitely be leaving us, we surrounded her with love and prayer.

Then, on one wintery afternoon in November, in an incredible and absolutely unprecedented turn of events, we were informed that we could be assessed as potential adopters in case it was found that no birth family was able to care for her. We were fast-tracked through the adoption training and assessment, with the support of another amazing social worker. No other birth family was found to be suitable, and so, wonderfully, following our approval as adopters we were formally matched with our lovely daughter.

This is certainly not where we thought our journey would lead, and yet we cannot thank God enough for this beautiful gift to our family. Looking back, we see clearly how God was preparing us for this new baby and throughout the process we were constantly aware of His love and presence – felt strongly in our hearts but also shown in the tireless support of our friends and family. Their generous prayers, help and love meant that we never felt alone.

We are so grateful to Home for Good for inspiring us to go on this journey, and for the amazing work you do for refugee children and all children who need a home. Our hope is that we might always be great parents for our little one, and never forget that we too have been adopted by our great Father God, who is constant in His love through all the twists and turns of life.'

* Names have been changed



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