Children's Packs: Summit 2022 Online

Children's Resources for Summit 2022 Online


We’re so excited that you’re able to join in with the Home for Good Summit online this year! We’ve got some amazing things for you to get stuck into and to join in with as we explore the theme of ‘Together’ and learn about what it means to be part of God’s amazing family – the Body of Christ!

On this page you’ll find all of the resources that you’ll need as we look at a few videos, do some colouring and activities on some worksheets as well as making some fun craft and chatting with the people around us about what we think.

We want this time to be loads of fun, but also give you the chance to learn more about who God is, how valuable and amazing you are and just how incredible it is to be part of God’s team!

Have an amazing day and know that you are amazing too!

Activity sheets

Colouring sheets 


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

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