Father’s Day is a day to celebrate and acknowledge the massively important role that men can have in the lives of children and young people, in all sorts of different ways. Being a great Dad is more than shared DNA – but we’ve found that sometimes it can be difficult to find a space to talk about being a ‘dad’ and everything this beautiful role entails.
We have compiled a free and flexible resource that we hope will help to create a space for your church family to talk about what it means to be a father figure, and to think about the part that each of us can play to welcome, care for and encourage children and young people in our communities.
Download our PDF for a wealth of ideas and a congregational prayer that you can use in full or adapt to your setting.
Download our Father's Day resource pack
Trailer: We’ve created a short trailer to whet your appetite for what’s to come on Father’s Day. You can use this on your social media platforms or share it digitally before your Sunday service as a taster.
Service version: A video that captures parts of a conversation around a table between men who have different experiences as sons and fathers but a shared heart to make a difference in the lives of care-experienced children. This video is designed for your Sunday service with an encouragement to men in particular (although not exclusively) to keep talking about fatherhood in its many forms, and to encourage your congregation to consider the part they could play. (you can view a version without subtitles here.)
Extended version: An extended version of the conversation for anyone, anywhere to watch at anytime! You could use this in small groups, at men’s gatherings or simply to hear even more experience and wisdom from those around this special Father’s Day table.
Full version available here. (also available with subtitles)
It is our delight to offer our resources free of charge, but as a charity we appreciate your donations to help cover our costs and enable us to find homes for more children and young people. Please consider donating or hosting a special collection for Home for Good this Father’s Day. To find out more about giving, or to ask any questions you may have, contact [email protected] - thank you.
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